Series of inflammatory Facebook posts defending the PM use terms like 'traitors,' 'treasonous kikes,' scum' and 'fifth column'
The post Sara Netanyahu’s aide suspended over online tirades against ‘leftist traitors’ appeared first on The Times of Israel.

Mobilizing existing infrastructure, activists put politics aside to help soldiers and victims of Hamas atrocities

Declaring himself a candidate for next police chief, central district head Avi Bitton says force being sent to demonstrations instead of addressing criminal violence in Arab towns

Some 200 anti-overhaul demonstrators hold rally in Neve Ativ, in repeat of summer events

Demonstrators in Tel Aviv block Ayalon freeway with sukkah after week that saw clashes between religious and secular Jews on Yom Kippur

Protesters highlight PM's 'divide and conquer' strategy after religious-secular Yom Kippur clashes many attribute to growing societal split unleashed by his judicial overhaul

Ex-PM tells US media 'we'll win through the most nonviolent protest ever,' says Netanyahu doesn't have the 'troops, will or capability' for civil war

Rallies greet PM at San Jose airport, hotel, meeting with Elon Musk at Tesla offices; local Jewish figures pan 'outrageous' likening of protesters to PLO and Iran

Opposition leaders say premier causing 'tremendous damage' and destroying Israel's image on international stage

PM greeted at airport by demonstrations against his government's judicial overhaul bid as he departs on US trip to meet world leaders including Biden, speak at UNGA
