Former IDF general blasts Netanyahu for 'handing country over to lawbreaking' far-right ministers; protest leaders said to warn they could shut down country if shakeup continues

Main rally in Tel Aviv as IDF warns its operational readiness is suffering amid refusal by reservists to show up to voluntary duty as government vows to push ahead with reform

Activists demonstrate against government’s judicial shakeup across the country; overhaul supporters protest at chief justice's house

After petitioning High Court, demonstrators are permitted to enter Neve Ativ, where PM will be staying with his wife until Thursday

Channel 12 survey finds such a party, which isn't currently in the cards, would siphon off votes from opposition parties that are opposed to the government's program anyway

Organizers coordinate with police, don't play music or try to block roads as over 100,000 demonstrate in city shortly after fatal shooting; tens of thousands protest elsewhere

In statement, Volker Turk lauds mass demonstrations, says they 'demonstrate the extent of public disquiet at the extent of fundamental legislative changes'

Activists plan to begin march only after end of Tisha B'Av fast day; 'You don't negotiate with the dictatorial government. You fight a dictatorial government,' says protest group

Over 30 protesters seek medical treatment, with police saying 14 officers were wounded Monday; Shabtai: 'We are working to the best of our abilities, and sometimes make mistakes'

Dozens arrested in demonstrations in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and elsewhere as protesters shut Begin, Ayalon freeways, defying water cannons and mounted cops for hours
