Ayalon Freeway reopens in Tel Aviv after police on horseback push out activists, who hold demonstrations throughout country, slam 'reasonableness' bill

After Tuesday's 'day of disruption,' organizers say Netanyahu 'leading Israel to the abyss'; pro-overhaul activists block kibbutz entrances, call mass rally for July 23

Demonstrators spill out of protest areas, complain of overcrowding at Ben Gurion Airport; at least 71 arrested by police; hundreds at US consulate call for support from Washington

Ministers assail Gali Baharav-Miara after she tells PM it's 'neither possible or proper' to deliberate specific policing actions at upcoming meeting

Anti-overhaul demonstrators call 'to intensify struggle' on day Knesset will hold first vote on 'reasonableness' bill; rallies held outside homes of coalition members

Chanting 'Democracy,' demonstrators rally at main terminal, as they move to rev up opposition to planned shakeup of judicial system; police eject protesters from arrivals hall

Vowing to move ahead despite West Bank military operation, demonstrators close access roads to seaport, rallies held in dozens of cities abroad ahead of planned clogging of airport

Thousands expected to take part in demonstrations at terminals and convoys on roads to airfield, as police try to limit impact on travel hub

Panel clears lawmaker of wrongdoing, accepts his claim of 'borderline self-defense,' after he grabbed protester's megaphone while walking on the street in Manhattan last month

Organizers estimate some 150,000 at central rally in Tel Aviv as government advances legislative push; 2 arrested as demonstrators block city's main highway
