'The Jews are the sworn enemies of the Armenian state,' reads text that circulates after red paint poured on Yerevan's only Jewish center

The fall of the breakaway statelet could shift the balance of power in the region

100,417 people have entered Armenia since September 24, according to local authorities; 120,000 Armenians lived in enclave before Azerbaijani offensive last week

Announcement comes after military defeat by Azerbaijan and departure of over half of the population

Local official say victims were lining up for fuel to join thousands of others fleeing to Armenia following Azerbaijani military rout of Armenian forces in separatist region

Ceasefire announced day after Azeri forces launch offensive in Nagorno-Karabakh; director of Israel's Defense Ministry, a major arms supplier to Baku, visited just before fighting

A letter cosigned by more than 100 rabbis accuses Armenia of distorting the genocide's memory to hurt the reputation of its rival, Azerbaijan

The northern city, where many ethnic Armenians live, is the first Israeli municipality to give such recognition to the World War I atrocities

Most of the Jewish community fled in the early 20th century, and Israeli-Azerbaijani relations have been a damper, but ancient ties and renewed diplomacy sow hope for the future

Armenia loses 49 soldiers, Azerbaijan 50, in renewed conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh; UN, Russia urge calm
