Preliminary investigation finds armored crews had been told to target border positions; unauthorized attack was in response to rocket launch from Gaza that hit Ashkelon factory

Military initially denied reports its tank shot at Gaza observation post; is also investigating why Iron Dome defense system didn't intercept Gaza rocket that hit Israeli warehouse

IDF says predawn raids hit terror group's training facility, rocket manufacturing sites, underground infrastructure; army investigating unauthorized tank fire at Strip

Attack comes week after rockets fired at central Israel in what the military believes was a malfunction caused by lightning

Paramedics declare victim dead at scene in Ashkelon; police comb streets for vehicle, which drove away after incident

Police open investigation into incident in southern city

Free historical sites nationwide, open to the public at all hours, feature Roman-era marble artifacts, ancient sarcophagi, farming implements, Crusader ruins and more

In earlier attack, 2 hurt from Gaza rocket fire as Israel signs historic accords in Washington; IDF says 1 projectile shot down by Iron Dome, second hits road in residential area

Missiles fired at Ashdod, Ashkelon; IDF says 1 projectile shot down by Iron Dome, second hits road in residential area; soldiers nab 2 Palestinians entering Israel from the Strip

Gantz says incident a 'reminder from our enemies that we must always be strong' Liberman: 'While Bibi celebrates in Washington, Hamas celebrates in Ashdod and Ashkelon'
