Membership in the UK-based Sonnenkrieg Division, or helping it financially, will be outlawed; domestic spy agency has sounded alarm over similar outfits

As Canberra forces Facebook, Google to pay for content, Israel could 'piggyback' and reap benefit for its own press but is unlikely to battle online giants itself soon, experts say

Social media giant and Google agree to amended legislation requiring them to pay for journalism; temporary restriction blocked users from sharing vital virus information

Canberra leads charge in move to force social media giant to pay for news content; prime minister says he spoke with leaders of Canada, India about issue

PM vows country 'won't be intimidated by BigTech' after social media giant retaliates for legislation that would make it pay for news content

Critics of wide-reaching move say professional journalism acted as a check on the spread of fake news before it was barred from feeds on the social media platform

2017 law aimed at 'high-risk' offenders was challenged by Abdul Benbrika, convicted of leading Melbourne terror cell and still behind bars though his term ended in November

In a letter smuggled out of prison in 2019, Kylie Moore-Gilbert tells Australia's PM of the Revolutionary Guard's 'diabolical plot' to trap her spouse

Malka Leifer makes first appearance in Melbourne court after 6-year battle against extraction from Israel, lawyer requests special conditions to facilitate her religious observance

Former school principal's extradition is completed, more than 12 years after she fled justice; Canberra officials hail development, thank Israeli government
