In possibly final ruling after 6 years of hearings, judge says ex-principal must face child sex abuse charges in Melbourne, pending expected appeal

Video of Zoe Buhler's arrest for 'incitement,' at home in front of her young children, goes viral and sparks debate on civil liberties

After years of hearings, judges unanimously say alleged serial pedophile is mentally fit to stand trial in Australia; decision on extradition to be made on September 21

Man films incident, during which he calls his driver a 'Jewish dog' and 'scumbag,' and posts the video online

But authorities note that Southern Hemisphere countries where lockdowns successfully reined in the coronavirus almost wiped out influenza virus as well

Canberra's envoy to Tehran visits Kylie Moore-Gilbert following concerns for her condition after she was moved to a different prison

Prosecution lambastes claims, arguing former principal wanted by Australia had total control over alleged victims; defense: 'Media has turned Malka Leifer into a monster'

After judge concludes that alleged child sex abuser wanted in Australia was feigning mental illness, but proceedings could still face further delay

Renewed virus rules take effect in Hong Kong; Melbourne residents are warned of possible lockdown; South Korea says contact tracing increasingly hard as more people go out

Top court yet to schedule hearing to discuss appeal, but July 20 extradition hearing for alleged pedophile wanted in Australia will now be able to move forward as planned
