Outgoing military head Aviv Kohavi and incoming PM agree to advance military-linked legislation only after IDF ‘presents the consequences and significance’ of such bills

After Likud aide shows some of unit's soldiers criticizing 'occupation' on personal Twitter accounts, Yossi Dagan says it should be shut down, reopened anew; Lapid: 'Ugly smears'

Aviv Kohavi says pilots hit specific truck in 25-vehicle procession in early November, evaded missile defenses

'There is no possibility of this happening,’ Kohavi reportedly tells confidants after far-right leader wins right to name candidates for 2 key West Bank positions

Issa Amro spends 2 days in jail after showing up to interrogation with video evidence on USB instead of his cellphone; police accuse him of causing friction in flashpoint city

Reacting to right-wing criticism of jailing of serviceman who taunted activists, Kohavi says army’s code of conduct ‘doesn’t change based on the weather’

After army chief Kohavi's visit to US, fighter jets and refuelers simulate long-range flights and 'an operational scenario'

After army chief Kohavi's visit to US, military says fighter jets and refuelers will 'simulate a number of scenarios in the face of regional threats'

Otzma Yehudit chair says he'll demand answers on suspension of two soldiers over Hebron violence; IDF chief Kohavi says such incidents 'tarnish' IDF and country

Aviv Kohavi wraps up 5-day final official trip focused on Iranian threat; plans for handling Iran and terror proxies said agreed upon
