Defense Ministry denies report it would meet quarterly on approving settlement construction, saying no such decision has been made

Interior minister said to plan vote next week on renewal of controversial legislation, despite coalition's difficulty mustering a majority

Move comes as coalition fails to muster majority; Likud slams 'dangerous left-wing government which is reliant on anti-Zionist forces'

PM Bennett meets with Interior Minister Shaked, Ra'am chief Abbas, New Hope's Elkin, after vote to extend law postponed thanks to impasse

Government unable to ensure it can pass law in current form and working to find compromise acceptable to colation parties; Shaked aiming for a vote later this week

Opposition hoping to embarrass gov't on law it backs in principle, which bars citizenship for Palestinians who marry Israelis; Ra'am said to weigh backing bill if changes made

In bid to embarrass new government, opposition parties refuse to support law even though they back it; Ra'am opposes law and won't vote with coalition partners

Likud backers interrupt TV broadcast to denounce Netanyahu's right-wing rival; ex-PM's brother-in-law doubles down on use of term 'traitor'

Outgoing PM skips traditional photo of handover with successor, tells opposition bloc he'll topple new government based on 'fraud, hate and power-seeking'

New leaders take reins at a flurry of ceremonies and meetings, setting policy goals and taking fire from former ministers now in opposition
