Former justice minister calls on world to 'express unwavering support for Israel' in coming weeks, says attack on Saturday was ‘total failure of military, intelligence, government’

Jerusalem agreed to reforms regarding Palestinian travelers it initially thought were 'nuts,' former ambassador tells ToI, offering lesson as Saudi normalization inches forward

While the Netanyahu coalition claims the current selection committee produces an unrepresentative bench, Shaked says she was able to build 'an entire camp' of conservative justices

Appointment subject to approval of the firm's remuneration committee, board of directors and shareholders

Guy Tzur testifies PM asked him just one question in 2012 before handing over to his wife, at defamation trial of official who says Sara was given key decision-making veto

Leaders eulogize spiritual leader of religious Zionist movement; Netanyahu laments 'great light' that has been extinguished

UN human rights office says 'deporting a protected person from occupied territory is a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention,' warns of move's chilling effect

French Foreign Ministry says Israel can't expel an individual from 'occupied' East Jerusalem, says Paris has 'fully mobilized' to ensure Salah Hamouri could reside in the city

Officials say Salah Hamouri, jailed for 7 years for plot to assassinate Ovadia Yosef and stripped of Jerusalem residency, is active in PFLP terror group; he denies allegations

Salah Hamouri, a lifelong Jerusalem resident, to be sent to France where he holds citizenship, Shaked announces, accusing Adameer attorney of terror activities
