Interior Minister Shaked accuses opposition's Likud of holding up legislation for ‘political considerations,' as streamlined travel to United States proves an elusive goal

Yamina party leader warns of an 'abyss of polarization' in Israeli politics as she works to stabilize her faction after its tumultuous time in power

Battle for the right heats up, with nationalist party positioning itself to scoop up voters ‘who regret voting for Yamina and New Hope'

Justice minister says anyone voting for Shaked knows she'll join a Netanyahu government; interior minister says she was making 'superhuman efforts' to prevent elections

Ukraine leader says High Court ruling upholds ‘rule of law and respect for human rights’; Israel's diaspora affairs minister: 'Ruling embodies our moral duty as a Jewish nation'

Judges rule that existing regulations allow visitors from Ukraine to stay for three months without a visa, reject state's claim they will stay longer

Editor David Horovitz updates us on last-minute political scrambling ahead of a midnight deadline; military correspondent Emanuel Fabian reports on the IDF's very busy weekend

'They can lie as much as they want, but I was with them and saw it,' Stella Weinstein says of party members who defied government, helping bring down Bennett-led coalition

Gantz, Lapid both said courting ex-IDF chief Eizenkot for spot on slate ahead of elections; United Torah Judaism's Gafni calls new PM; Liberman says he could be premier

Bennett ally Matan Kahana likely to abandon new faction leader over ideological differences, as Shaked faces a struggle to keep MKs and preserve party funding
