Snap survey, taken before Bennett had announced he was handing party leadership to Shaked, puts potential Netanyahu-led bloc at 63 seats in the 120-member Knesset

In emotional speech, outgoing prime minister lauds his government's achievements, calls for national unity and says No. 2 Ayelet Shaked will take over Yamina leadership

Outgoing PM says he hasn't decided whether he'll run again in next elections; Shaked said to have exhausted all efforts to form an alternative coalition in existing Knesset

Ex-PM's son claims interior minister may be playing a trick to advance bill barring a criminal defendant from forming government, even though she opposes the proposal

Visiting minister's assertion, which was made after meetings with Moroccan officials, appears to be undercut by her hosts, who say she 'reaffirmed' Israel's position

Interior minister to meet with a variety of counterparts in Morocco; plans to create opportunities for Moroccan workers in Israeli construction and nursing sectors

Interior minister will meet with senior government officials, discuss deal to bring foreign construction workers and nurses to Israel

Lawmaker said to have told Bennett the government has no chance of surviving; colleague Silman threatens to release damaging documents if he lets party declare her a defector

Opposition bill to allow Israeli citizens back to evacuated settlements fails; comments come day before government must respond to High Court over the planned evacuation

Decision applies to Ukrainians who came after the Russian invasion; those who were in Israel illegally before won't be allowed to work; Shaked to reexamine issue in 30 days
