Former PM offers veiled criticism of long-time ally as she moves rightward in bid to gain support ahead of election; Shaked defends the shift, saying she's 'returned home'

Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur predicts who's the politician to watch & filmmakers Eiv Kristal and Natan Odenheimer on why they're hopeful after filming in Ramle-Lod

Interior minister signs deal three days after blowup with Yoaz Hendel that ended short-lived alliance; if move finalizes, party likely to support Netanyahu for PM

Party's Yossi Brodny offers first spot on its electoral slate to interior minister, who will need to find a new political home after parting ways with Yoaz Hendel

Leaders of party, which isn't expected to enter the Knesset, part ways as Shaked says she's willing to join narrow Netanyahu government while Hendel refuses to back such an option

If true, Shaked's commitment to her former party goes against her current agreement with political partner Hendel; Zionist Spirit rejects report, calling it 'baseless lies'

Former Israeli agent says Zionist Spirit leader is a 'proven patriot' who 'realizes the mistakes she made'; Likud MKs accuse her of manipulating him

Once known as a voice of the political left linked to Rabin's legacy, singer reveals political shift with recent performances, for which he thanks right-wing minister Ayelet Shaked

Shaked claims former Yamina MK leaves due to squabble over list position, while Kara says split is over 'values and economic policies'

Lawmaker, who jumped ship and joined the National Unity alliance ahead of coming elections, says country needs a broad, diverse coalition to break cycle of political instability
