Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked and Justice Minister Gideon Sa'ar slam proposals to refine or revoke contentious law that declares Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people

Minister calls on fellow lawmakers to not 'amuse themselves' with moves that violate the coalition agreement after Blue and White pledges to bring equality bill to committee debate

Party heads reportedly respond 'there is nothing that can be done' after government lost Knesset majority; Lapid won't rule out working with Joint List to pass budget

Mazen Ghanaim says coalition membership hasn't brought desired results for constituency; party leader Mansour Abbas has tied stay-or-go decision to Temple Mount discussions

Head of national organization for terror victims says political agitators were among those interrupting Bennett and others, vows to restrict entry in coming years

PM called a 'swindler,' told to shut up, and interrupted for several minutes during state ceremony for terror victims; says, 'Beloved families... I hear your pain'

Flyer signed by dozens of people with fallen relatives is criticized by Eli Ben Shem, chairman of Yad Labanim, for mixing the mourning with politics

Michal Agmon-Gonen alleges 'disruption' of court proceedings by Ayelet Shaked, who claims judge unethically asked her for support

Expected to be signed into effect in 2 weeks, interior minister and MK Abir Kara's amendment to Business Licensing Order eases up on bureaucratic requirements

Following Chikli’s ‘defector’ status hearing, there is a small but real potential to immediately stabilize government if the renegade lawmaker resigns from the Knesset
