PLO official asserts that summit in Manama seeks to write off the Palestinian issue as an economic matter; protesters in Bethlehem burn a hanging effigy of Trump
Marc Schneier, a member of the kingdom's delegation to the US-led workshop, says Manama and Jerusalem may normalize relations by the end of 2019, but only if there's a peace deal
Greenblatt accuses Fatah of threatening intifada after statement by youth group translated by Israeli organization warns it can make 'ground burn under the feet of the tyrants'
Palestinians reject plan outright and Arab countries are only lukewarm, but experts point out participation of Qatar in normally hostile Bahrain is a positive step
Experts say use of images from programs slashed by administration in proposal underlines peace team's use of ideas that are either pie-in-the-sky or have already been tried
Israeli-American coordinating group says about 10 Palestinians who work in small- and medium-enterprises across West Bank to travel to Manama for workshop
No Israeli government officials to attend next week's economic worship, but handful of journalists to join businessmen and civil society members in Gulf state
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