Few truly knew the private Safra, who died tragically after scaling up his family's small Beirut business into a hugely successful global financial operation on four continents

Military decree set to take effect, applying anti-terror law to West Bank and holding banks liable for PA payments to attackers and their families

PM Shtayyeh says financial institutions agree to freeze action against accounts of terror operatives after military decree, vows to 'protect banks from oppression of occupation'

Military decree set to take effect Saturday, applying anti-terror law to West Bank and holding banks liable for PA stipends to attackers and their families

Financial institutions urge public to avoid face-to-face transactions; bankers receive deluge of some 6,000 requests to delay mortgage payments

Financial institutions seek to ease business and consumer hardship by buying bonds, offering loans, delaying mortgage payments

Leodiensian, whose appointment was approved by the cabinet this week, began working at the bank in 1987 and is a former head of its Market Operations Department

Information minister says disgruntled contractor tried to extort cash by stealing credit card details; Israeli cyber expert suggests state-sponsored attack more likely

Deal would see Mizrahi-Tefahot swallow up smaller bank; move was disqualified last year over anti-trust issues but appeals tribunal says not enough evidence to block takeover

Ogen wins license to start providing low-interest loans to consumers who have been sidelined by traditional banking system
