Several critics see echoes of scandal in which government allegedly secretly okayed sale of advanced arms to Egypt in newest affair, as PM is accused of hiding talks with US, UAE
After Israel agrees to not oppose US supply of the stealth fighter jet to UAE, defense minister accuses PM of hiding weapons deals from defense officials; Netanyahu denies it
Accusations come just after Israel says it will not object to US sale of 'certain weapon systems' to the Gulf nation in exchange for receiving substantial military upgrades
Netanyahu says he's rescinded his objections to sale of 'certain weapons systems,' after US vows to upgrade Israel's arsenal to maintain its regional military edge
Lawmakers in centrist party publish coordinated posts going after PM's party for holding up budget; Likud accuses unity partner of politicking during pandemic
US defense secretary signs agreement to honor existing commitment to Jewish state's military superiority amid concerns over sale of F-35 fighter jets to UAE
Discussions likely to focus on proposed sale of F-35 fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates as defense minister makes second trip to the US in a month
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