Likud leader utterly out-campaigned Blue and White head Gantz, reasserting his 'King Bibi' credentials. Will he prove as successful in the legal battles that lie ahead?

PM agrees with party chiefs from his bloc to assemble new coalition as soon as possible, though exit polls say they’re one seat short of a majority

After hard-fought campaign seen as referendum on longtime leader’s rule, Likud predicted to win 36-37 seats, significantly more than Gantz’s Blue and White, with 32-33

Clip shared on Netanyahu's social media accounts appears to show Gantz urging voters not to back his centrist party

Casting his vote, president say 'We don't deserve this never-ending instability. We deserve a government that works for us'

Odeh: Change impossible 'without partnership between Arabs, Jews'; Liberman: Choose 'between strong Yisrael Beytenu, religious state'; Litzman: 'Vote without fear of coronavirus'

Two Israeli fans of anime used the Japanese style of animation to get some laughs out of third election day

Ballot, third in a year, largely seen as a referendum on prime minister, who will go on trial on corruption charges in 2 weeks

Special command set up to protect against virus disinformation disrupting vote, separate polling stations set up for quarantined; public urged to vote without fear

PM tells supporters latest data shows Likud and its allies at 59.7 of required 61 seats; petition accuses him of violating campaign laws by disclosing survey results
