While lack of visitors has been devastating for trade, it has also created a rare chance for solemn worship, says holy city's parish priest

Timing of upcoming planetary conjunction has led to speculation of ties to biblical tale; but it's likelier story was intended to convey theological rather than astronomical truths

Gospels conflict on location of his birth; belief may have caught on because the Christian messiah is supposed to be descended from King David, as Jesus was, and born in the city

In Gaza, main coronavirus laboratory not processing new tests for second day as it awaits shipment of kits

At ceremony, PA premier vows to combat Israeli settlement-building, reconcile with rival Hamas

Police suspect man does not have bus license, was paid by company's driver to fill in; 2 pedestrians killed in Wednesday's crash

With tourists barred and PA imposing nightly curfew to curb mounting infections, Jesus' birthplace set for massively scaled-down celebrations

Four shooters in unmarked vehicle attack car near al-Container checkpoint near Bethlehem; PA police investigating

Palestinian reportedly hit in the arm, before falling and taking serious blow. Two others flee the scene as troops search area

Paintings by the mysterious artist show orange life vests and an oar washed up on a rocky shore, in criticism of Europe's response to migrant crisis
