Artist puts up for auction Mediterranean Sea View 2017 triptych, created as a response to European migrant crisis; funds to be used for children's rehab equipment

Shorashim-Judur dialogue movement says unilateral extension of sovereignty contradicts the mutual respect needed for advancing peace and security

48-hour lockdown to begin Monday; number of infections in West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem stands at 1,862

Despite Defense Ministry's assurances, social distancing isn't being observed at Bethlehem Checkpoint 300

Report shows majority of orders filed for land in Jordan Valley and Gush Etzion region, potentially revealing Israel’s long-term political vision for land beyond Green Line

With West Bank shuttered off, laborers say they don't know whether they'll be able to afford groceries in coming days; unionist suggests Israel can help alleviate crisis

Mai al-Kaila says they underwent three separate tests for the disease, all of which came back negative; recovered were young and had only experienced mild symptoms

Government spokesman says moves could 'go much further than what you are imagining'; Hamas run-Health Ministry says Gaza still free of infection but some 3,500 are in isolation

Palestinians who work in Israel have until Friday to decide whether to stay home or remain in Israel for 1-2 months

Security forces tell Beit Sahour residents to remain in homes unless absolutely necessary; new cases blamed on patient who violated quarantine
