Likud's Regev and Yamina chair Shaked call each other 'opportunistic' over past attempts to join ruling party, prolonging row after Smotrich apologized for diatribe against PM

Transportation minister says his criticism was inappropriate as Likud warns it's his last chance; re-branding United Right as Yamina, Shaked says she's seeking to be PM

After meeting with PM, transportation minister expected to issue statement walking back comments

PM said to be under pressure to oust minister after Twitter storm calling government weak for decisions on Temple Mount and gender-segregated event

The far-right politician has a history of name-calling on social media and was once suspended from Twitter for 'offensive behavior'

PM blasts 'Twitter cabinet' Smotrich and Shaked, tells critics there was never a question about allowing Jews entry to holy site for Tisha B'Av

Figure climbs to nearly 300 more than last year's Tisha B’Av fast day, after police allow 2nd round of Jews into flashpoint Jerusalem compound

National-religious party calls decision on Tisha B'Av/Eid al-Adha 'a national disgrace' as source denies PM responsible; MK Ahmad Tibi says entry of Jewish visitors a 'provocation'

Into the weeds of the prime minister’s narrowing electoral prospects, as a cornered political animal seeks to carve a path to victory at the right's expense

After right-wing criticism of closure, Jews allowed into holy compound on Jewish fast day, which this year coincides with Islamic holiday
