Netanyahu's party still in lead -- and widening advantage, according to one survey -- as Gantz indicates he's holding out hope government can be saved and early elections avoided

If justices were to strike down law that delayed passing of budget, government would automatically fall and new elections would be called

In latest manifestation of coalition crisis, debate over pandemic response said to devolve into recriminations; Likud minister says he expects Knesset to be dissolved in December

As defense minister and Netanyahu race to the brink, opposition leader says 'nothing good will come of this government'

After defense minister forms inquiry committee into Case 3000, Likud raps his 'shameful use' of IDF; Deri apparently walks back vow that Gantz will be PM

Buffeted by criticism, defense minister formally launches an investigation into an affair that has stained his ostensible partner, all but officially triggering the 2021 election

Avi Nissenkorn was reportedly kept out of the loop on agreement between his Blue and White party and Likud to install senior officeholders in Treasury, alternate PM's office

Report says Blue and White officials angry and disappointed over agreement with Likud that won't include long-stalled approval of new Justice Ministry director

Mandelblit to finance minister: 'Impermissible to leave the post unmanned' amid risk of destabilizing the economy; matter was held up by ongoing government infighting

Asked whether power-sharing deal will be honored, Blue and White leader says 'we'll see' and premier says 'who knows?'; poll predicts right-wing majority if elections called
