Tragedy struck the Sephardic community in Brooklyn on Shemini Atzeres / Simchas Torah, when an elderly woman was R”L struck and killed by a vehicle. The NYPD says the tragic accident happened on Tuesday morning (Shemini Atzeres morning) at around 11:00AM, when two women – a mother and daughter – were struck by a vehicle on Ocean Parkway and Avenue U. The two were walking home from Shul at the time. Flatbush Hatzolah rushed both victims to Maimonides Hospital. Sadly, Mrs Rahel (Rochel) Guindi A”H, 90-years-old was Niftar. Her daughter is in stable condition. A large crowd gathered for the Levaya which was held on Simchas Torah afternoon in front of the Shaarei Zion Shul on Ocean Parkway, and the Niftar taken to the airport where she was flown to Eretz Yisroel for Kevura.
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