David Mintz, who was known for his invention of Tofutti, the first pareve ice cream substitute, as a solution for a dessert for fleishig meals, died on Wednesday at the age of 89, Collive reported. Mintz was born in Williamsburg and studied in Tomchei Temimim in his youth. He maintained his connection with the Lubavitcher Rebbe when he went into business and the Rebbe continuously supported him during his many years of experimentation to develop the first kosher pareve ice cream. When Mintz asked the Rebbe for a bracha to open a kosher restaurant on the Upper East Side, the Rebbe told him he would succeed if he was very careful with the kosher products he used, Minitz later told JEM’s Here’s My Story. The restaurant was extremely successful and he also offered takeout and catering.
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