World Jewish Congress hosts day-long conference in city where more than 8,000 Bosniaks, mainly Muslims, were killed in July 1995

For many of the 900 or so Jews in Bosnia, this week will be the first of two annual Purim celebrations; Jews in Italy, Spain, Maghreb region have similar customs

Historian Eli Tauber, leading the project, says it will be a challenge to piece together family histories and destinies that cover 500 years

Senior administration official assesses that the amount, spent since 2014, is just 'the tip of the iceberg,' more went undetected

Palestinian affairs correspondent Aaron Boxerman weighs in on the civil unrest in the PA and Gaza; Jewish World editor Yaakov Schwartz reports on the Lev Tahor cult from Bosnia

Bosnian government issues statement to 'anxious citizens' that the fundamentalist Jewish group has gone; uncertain where they will next seek refuge to perform outlawed practices

Phillip Weiner says up to 5% of Bosnia's tiny Jewish community, many of them Holocaust survivors, have died, as citizens protest the government's poor handling of the pandemic

Local Jews and Israeli embassy protest event in memory of Ustasha forces, responsible for gory anti-Semitic killings during World War II