'We have our freedom in our hands and it is up to us to make the most of it,' Boris Johnson says, as London officially severs decades-long partnership with Europe
Averting chaos, sides agree on deal that ensures they can continue to trade in goods without tariffs or quotas, even after Britain leaves single market, customs union
British PM and European Commission president to decide whether to continue negotiating or admit failure and start preparing for a chaotic and costly no-deal split
Dan Rosenfield is global head of corporate clients for a strategic advisory firm founded by former MI6 operatives, as well as serving as chairman of World Jewish Relief
European, British officials meet in an effort to address latest threat to orderly exit from Union -- a dispute over signed exit deal being altered by internal British legislation
Israeli education watchdog IMPACT-se claims German report examining Palestinian schoolbooks for the UK is riddled with errors, overlooks anti-Semitism and incitement to violence
But parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee says 'serious questions needed to be asked' about government's slow recognition of threat of meddling
But John Bercow says abuse came from his own Conservative party rather than rivals in Labour, with one fellow member saying he would like to keep 'people like you' out of Commons
Mournful vigils and celebrations take place in UK as it departs EU, marking a historic blow to bloc; negotiations, tension to continue as 11-month 'transition period' begins
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