New king brings forward Friday audience with religious leaders so Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis will be able to return home in time for Jewish Sabbath

Officials accuse Qari Asim of attempting to limit free expression after rallies against screenings, as well as inciting anti-Shiite hate

Instructor in town of Batley suspended, school apologizes, while protesters demand he be fired; student-led petition defending teacher garners thousands of signatures

London-based Henry Jackson Society think tank report says integration may be key to tackling anti-Jewish prejudice in Muslim community

Budget airline says it's sorry if anyone was offended by chairman's remarks, but asserts he was only calling for 'more effective airport security checks'

Two prisoners wearing fake suicide belts slashed guard with homemade knives, wounding him and four other officials who intervened; one is follower of radical cleric Anjem Choudary

British PM says he has spoken to Trump, calls slain Iranian general 'a threat to all our interests; London imam mourns death, telling crowd they should aspire to be like Soleimani

Asma Shuweikh hailed as hero after footage widely shared on social media showed her coming to defense of Jewish family on London Underground, Jewish News reports