In acquitting Itamar Shimoni of bribery in alleged deal involving favorable media coverage, officials say judge has laid the groundwork for PM's potential conviction in Case 4000
Itamar Shimoni convicted of bribery, money laundering; but the charges he was found innocent of are touted as a possibly precedent-setting ruling for Netanyahu
Further casting doubt on veracity of testimony, interrogators tell Nir Hefetz that 'these things may not affect only you,' according to leaked transcripts released by Channel 12
Bar Association head calls for immediate inquiry into claims Nir Hefetz was improperly pressured in Case 4000, casting doubt on veracity of his testimony
Nir Hefetz details alleged give-and-take relations between Netanyahus and Elovitch, says Sara sent him to threaten the latter of financial damage if press coverage did not improve
Leaked transcripts detail Sara Netanyahu's defense of her meddling in Walla news site; ex-MK said to testify billionaire Adelson offered to make him 'king of the world'
PM expresses concern that Yedioth publisher Arnon Mozes is 'going for my head' in second batch of transcripts from secret talks between them that are at heart of corruption probe
Premier heard threatening to come after Yedioth publisher Arnon Mozes or promising to work together on hobbling Israel Hayom in audio aired by Channel 13
In transcript, tycoon Arnon Milchan tells aide to PM that Sheldon Adelson warned him they could 'sit in the same cell together' if they intervened inappropriately
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