Uwe Dziuballa, owner of the eatery in Chemnitz, tells court of 2018 assault in which he was injured, subject to antisemitic slurs

Cemetery vandalism found in Haren being treated as anti-Semitic hate crime by police; Stolperstein 'stumbling stone' plaques for Holocaust victims defaced in Chemnitz, Eilenburg

Fake fuhrer seen sporting a toothbrush mustache in the sidecar of a bike driven by a man dressed as a 1940s-era Nazi soldier; people heard laughing in video, police officer smiles

Members of so-called Revolution Chemnitz to face charges of forming a right-wing terror organization following deadly stabbing by migrant that sparked far-right protests

Alaa Sheikhi, 24, whose murder of Daniel Hillig on August 26, 2018, sparked extremist rallies against Muslim immigration, gets 9.5 years in prison

Several of the suspects allegedly involved in attack on migrant group in Chemnitz; authorities say men indicted on suspicion of forming a terrorist organization