Secure Community Network's Chicago-based main monitoring room can be operational 24 hours a day, as it was during the Jewish holidays

Artist Amber Ginsburg and law professor Tom Ginsburg bought the empty South Side property from the city and envision a hybrid family home with art studios and more for the public

Anat Kimchi, who was studying at the University of Maryland, killed while walking in city's Loop neighborhood; no arrests made yet

Dozens of Jewish moms kicked out or quit after MamaHive admin condemns 'terroristic acts being committed against the Palestinian people' and urges those who support Israel to leave

Alderman Ed Burke reportedly said 'Jews are Jews and they’ll deal with Jews'; US Democrat accused of trying to illegally urge developers of real estate project to use his law firm

Leading Reform rabbi, community organizer fought racism and discriminatory policies, starting with early marches with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

A homegrown effort to trace cases within the city’s Orthodox population struggles under the onslaught of new cases, but Jewish schools say their protective measures are working

Illinois officials blast Trump administration for bottleneck at O'Hare International Customs, which could have contributed to spread of disease

The Chicago bass player has educated a generation of Israeli blues fans, and will perform a farewell concert in TLV

Consortium of workers buys Milt’s Barbecue for the Perplexed -- which donates its profits to charity -- for $1
