Jewish actress Jennifer Grey, 60, reported to be in talks with Lionsgate, which holds rights to the original movie, to produce and star in remake

Jewish law requires a body be guarded between death and burial -- but in this new production, something has gone horribly wrong

Oscar-winning Italian maestro was known for the soundtracks to classic films, including 'Once Upon A Time in America' and 'The Untouchables'

Young Israeli creators use famed Jerusalem British Mandate-period theater that was jointly owned by Jews and Arabs to illustrate how art bridges differences

Roth's extensive body of work as a longtime collaborator with famed director Almodovar touches on one of the most consequential events of world history -- forced exile

As film wins best motion picture of the year in Israel with controversial portrayal of Yigal Amir, American critics say plot 'could have been ripped from recent US headlines'

Palestinians attend rare public movie screening, but original venue backs out at the last minute under unclear circumstances

New award to be given to Israeli filmmakers in early stages of their career, Rivlin says at opening of Jerusalem Film Festival

Most popularly known for his films, the Italian's name was also inextricably linked to the theater and opera, making it his mission to bring culture to the masses
