Channels unearthed in Jerusalem's City of David site last in use around 9th century BCE, likely formed part of city's economy due to location near temple and palace

Discovered near Pilgrimage Path, inscribed chalkstone slab that appears to be ossuary maker's accounting record adds to physical evidence of ancient Jerusalem shuk in lower city

Piece of jewelry, which required unique expertise to make, discovered in earth sifted from grandiose Roman structure in Pligrimage Road, near Old City

2,700-year-old water reservoir thought built by King Hezekiah to be opened to public; critics say move is part of plan to expand Jewish presence in Palestinian neighborhood

Academics publish open letter calling for scientific treatment of 'once-in-a-lifetime' claims after new round of unsupported popular press headlines regarding Jerusalem 'discovery'

'Arteology,' Nicole Kornberg-Jacobovici's solo exhibition of earthenware, stoneware and clay pieces is up at the Jerusalem Archaeological Park

Considered one of the most precious materials in antiquity, 1,500 ivory fragments discovered in ongoing City of David excavations open debate about a more globalized Holy City

Expert claims to decipher ancient script on tablet he believes was used in voodoo ceremony; Antiquities Authority awaits further 'scientific research and publication'

New research based on First Temple City of David pottery sherds dating to the Babylonian destruction shores up theories of international trade with Kingdom of Judah

Senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur discusses 2023 budget plans and US correspondent Jacob Magid looks at highlights of US Democrats' visit and a church land brouhaha
