Zalul and Adam Teva V'Din cite government's climate failures, while student-led Green Course plans annual march for climate to coincide with opening day of international meet

Energy and finance ministries continue to insist on non-binding targets for global warming emissions cuts, while Environmental Protection Ministry insists on mandatory goals

'The cat can't guard the cream,' objects environmental protection minister, as Energy Ministry issues list of demands, pushing off debate by a week

Justice Ministry won't allow government decision so close to elections, and Finance Ministry previously overruled bid to put net zero pledge in climate bill

Draft law, met with lukewarm response from green groups, is a compromise between Environment Ministry, which wanted tougher targets, and Finance Ministry, which wanted none

Yesh Atid's Yorai Lahav-Hertzano will sponsor bill, drafted by Adam Teva V'Din, calling for National Climate Council, target of 50% renewables by 2030

Draft legislation, which would give extensive new powers to ministry, aims to anchor steps to tackle global warming in law; will be issued for public comment in coming days