Indonesian art group says it 'collectively failed to spot' caricature playing on anti-Jewish stereotypes in work first displayed 20 years ago; artists say piece 'misunderstood'

UK-based writer is hailed for his 'uncompromising writings on the 'effects of colonialism and the fate of the refugee'; is only 6th Africa-born writer to win the award

Among other issues, leader says Berlin declined to accept the term 'reparations,' as that word was also avoided during country's negotiations with Israel after the Holocaust

Some Egyptians condemn proposal to bring back statue of French diplomat Ferdinand de Lesseps, saying it'd be a 'humiliation' to those who died building the canal

As some local authorities remove monuments of racist figures and rename streets honoring them, Bordeaux is instead trying to inform the public of their complicated pasts

Local authorities and others take steps to remove monuments and rename streets racist figures from country's history, but group of 'Football Lads' vow to protect them

It took nearly four and a half centuries for Americans to acknowledge the Jewish metallurgist, who was tried for denying the divinity of Jesus after returning to Britain