At press conference, group of undergrads say many 'don't feel physically safe on campus,' after Israeli student assaulted, swastika found in bathroom and some protesters back Hamas
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American campuses have long been hotbeds of anti-Israel sentiment, but in the wake of the Oct. 7 massacres, some givers are drawing a line at student groups praising the terrorists
The post Amid Gaza war, donors pull cash as US universities tolerate student support for terror appeared first on The Times of Israel.

NY Governor Kathy Hochul and Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine express alarm over incident; 'It was tense, people were nervous,' student says
The post Jewish students barricade in NYC’s Cooper Union as protesters chant ‘Free Palestine’ appeared first on The Times of Israel.

'We cannot protect your child,' Columbia Business School's Shai Davidai says in message to parents; calls out Minouche Shafik for not banning groups hailing massacre as 'resistance'

Cornell prof. clarifies why he said he is ‘exhilarated’ by Hamas attack, Chicago scientist 'deeply sorry' for calling Israelis 'Irredeemable excrement' as campus battles continue

NYC school says new Global Center will allow it 'to connect with individuals and institutions... drawing them closer to the ongoing life of the university'

Lawrence Bacow of Harvard and Lee Bollinger of Columbia prepare to step down in 2023, part of a sea change in schools at the center of nationwide campus debates on these two issues

Joshua Henkin's 'Morningside Heights' examines devastating emotional and physical ripple effects after a person loses ability to think, communicate and function before age of 65

Vote follows a federal complaint filed in December 2019 accusing the school of anti-Semitic discrimination

Columbia University study finds 55% of COVID-19 deaths in America could have been averted if safety measures had been put in place a week earlier
