Gil Limon tells Knesset panel law opens legal 'black hole,' will allow convicted criminals to hold senior positions; legal official warns Gifts Law will open door to corruption

Law committee expected to advance measure on Wednesday, setting core pillar of judicial overhaul on course to become law next week; opposition protests procedural changes in vote

A new draft for the overhaul of the judicial appointments process leaves the Knesset with less than two weeks to re-draw a critical pillar of Israel's constitution arrangements

According to tweaked draft, coalition would choose the justices to fill the first two Supreme Court openings in each Knesset term, gain full authority over lower court appointments

Veteran MK says members won't debate matter at faction meetings due to leaked recordings, says justice minister yet to discuss watering down bills with him despite promising to

Renowned researcher and teacher of Arabic language won Israel Prize in 2010 for work that included writing Education Ministry school syllabi

Reports say PM has met minister several times in recent days to urge overhaul deal; Levin said enthusiastic about one proposal by former justice minister and a retired general

Constitution Committee chair Simcha Rothman schedules string of hearings for controversial shakeup before it moves to plenum for last readings; opposition MK calls to up protests

Plan will give politicians the power to appoint judges, block courts from reviewing almost all legislation and ministerial appointments; coalition wants to complete within a month

In impassioned speech, Avichai Mandelblit says it would be court's 'duty' to strike down legislation, which would otherwise 'abolish' Israel's liberal democracy
