Health Ministry chief hopeful 1st shot of Pfizer's vaccine will be given next week; daily average of new infections rises over past week, with ultra-Orthodox community seeing surge

Likud MKs petition High Court over appointment of 61 judges by panel during meeting they boycotted; PM says he doesn't want elections, but says Likud will win if vote held

Health Ministry reports 1,230 new cases with 3.3% positivity rate; ministry head says better to impose restrictions now, when they can be lighter, rather than heavier ones later

PM says Israel will receive enough doses to inoculate 4 million Israelis, though reports say deal allows company to pull out of its promises if circumstances demand

Health Ministry says 2.8% of tests on Thursday came back positive; government body warns of possible 'slowdown' in declining infections due to easing of lockdown

Health Ministry says 7,639 new infections confirmed Thursday, with number of cases since pandemic began rising to 255,771; death toll remains at 1,622

In letter to Netanyahu hours before vote on aid package, association denounces plan as inadequate, says it would cause industry 'extinction'

With beaches packed and schools reopening, many have questioned the continued closure of houses of worship, which served as major vector for spread of COVID-19

Despite ongoing concern over lack of social distancing among ultra-Orthodox, police have no plans to shutter yeshivas defying closure order