Transmission rate climbs to 1.23 but serious cases still steady, amid fears of resurgent pandemic

Only three restrictions remain: face masks in indoor public spaces, Green Pass to enter old age homes, and PCR tests upon arrival for Israelis returning from abroad

Starting March 1, any new restrictions put forth by the government must be approved by the Knesset plenum or the Law and Justice Committee

PM may face fine unless he can provide reason for attending parties during lockdown

Under new plan, tourists must submit to pre- and post-flight PCR tests, but returning Israelis will no longer need to show a negative COVID test before flying home

If approved, new measures will ease requirements for international travel, cancel Green Pass rules for events; Bennett reportedly favors removing most rules

Health Ministry data shows daily caseload, serious cases dropping; PM reportedly set to further open borders to tourists, roll back Green Pass rules

Despite the change, many congregations are adopting a wait-and-see approach, preferring a conservative stance, while others embrace a 'return to normal'

Biden's medical advisor says new treatments and vaccines will make virus 'more manageable'; UK's Johnson says measure to ditch isolations will only take effect if infections low

Chief of staff, principal private secretary, communications director and senior adviser resign over involvement in party held at Downing mid-pandemic
