Country scrambling to find buyer for 800,000 doses set to expire at the end of July, hoping to use another 600,000 doses of batch on own population, according to report
Officials also said to be weighing whether to ask coronavirus cabinet to require non-vaccinated people to provide a negative test result before entering certain venues
Ministers reportedly lean toward no new restrictions so long as serious cases remain low; health officials believe vaccine provides strong protection against severe illness
CDC panel says instances of side effects more prevalent in males under 30, but are rare and usually mild; benefit of vaccine still clearly outweighs risks
Houston Methodist hospital system says employees resigned, terminated for not getting shots; in lawsuit against demand, judge said comparison to Nazi experiments 'reprehensible'
Palestinians sent back 90,000 vaccines expiring at end of June saying they were not ok, but Israel using doses with same expiry date to vaccinate children aged 12-15
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