In post earlier this month, Ronni Gamzu called widespread closures a 'doomsday weapon,' said he prefers less-severe restrictions

Active cases jump to 32,755, serious cases up by 22 in 12 hours; 27,597 tests conducted Wednesday as numbers refuse to dip

Health officials will reportedly propose classes with just 18 students, but keep kindergartens at full capacity in light of data showing lower infection rates among young kids

Museum, which tells the stories of Jewish and other immigrants who lived on NYC’s Lower East Side, hopes to avoid further cuts by conducting online events and neighborhood tours

Top health official also announces development of cheaper version of remdesivir and favipiravir, which are believed to be helpful in treating some serious COVID-19 cases

Initial research shows blood cells remember how to efficiently make new antibodies in case of reinfection, meaning someone can have immunity even without antibodies

Lag in test processing keeps workers off jobs, hampers contact tracing; Australia, Hong Kong face record outbreaks as more signs emerge virus springs back when lockdowns lifted

Addition brings total estimated cost of proposal to NIS 6.48 billion; reportedly comes following demands from Blue and White party

Initial results of serology tests on 70,000 Israelis show between 1% and 8% have been infected; rate much higher in known hotspots like Jerusalem, Bnei Brak than in rest of country

Former health official gives up on position after failing to reach agreement with Netanyahu and Edelstein over division of power
