Immigration Absorption Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata announces one-time payment amid coronavirus crunch

Officials worried about simultaneous wave of coronavirus and influenza infections in winter; increased uptake expected for flu jabs, but health funds say there's not enough supply

Upending current coronavirus outbreak assumptions, Harvard Medical School study shows significant spike in car traffic at Wuhan medical centers as early as last summer

Israeli experts back conclusions of meta-analysis that prompted WHO to change its position, say face coverings 'do actually save lives' and are a good long-term public strategy

Entrepreneurs convert photo booth to print lower face, and welcoming grin, on a face mask for use by medical workers and others

British residents, visitors will need to self-isolate, sparking outcry from aviation industry; Israeli officials implemented restriction on March 9

400,000 New Yorkers allowed to return to work as some restrictions lifted; health authorities say 136,000 new cases in past day the most in 24 hours since outbreak began

At ceremony marking military's role in COVID-19 response, Kohavi says relative calm should not lull country into complacency

Israel Aerospace Industries says its software can alert doctors to upcoming danger with 80% success rate

One minister lambastes the figures as fear-mongering that is 'detached from reality,' and other ministries are said to predict far lower numbers
