Loosened virus restrictions lift distance cap on traveling from home; allow swimming for exercise at the beach; and visits to national parks, nature reserves and heritage sites
Europe is hardest-hit continent with around 145,000 fatalities, and the US records 68,700 -- together accounting for more than 85% of global fatalities
The pandemic compelled parents to see their kids educated at home. As schools gradually reopen, some educators hope the changes wrought by this enforced experiment are here to stay
Dror Avisar, head of Tel Aviv University's Water Research Center, says that nobody knows what dangers COVID-19 might pose in streams, groundwater, beaches
Internal CDC report says new cases expected to surge from mid-May, hitting 200,000 per day by June 1, with the daily death toll almost doubling to 3,000
Bill de Blasio made friends among ultra-Orthodox leaders with position on controversial circumcision practice, but has been criticized for slow response to anti-Semitic violence
Touting country's 'major success' fighting the coronavirus, Netanyahu says all limitations on gatherings to be removed next month if infection and serious case rates don’t rise
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