Program, which gives domestic spy agency and police access to private cellphone and credit card data to track those infected, authorized until April 14
The aptly named Prof. Allon Moses, director of Hadassah Medical Center's Department of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, offers some timely guidance
Israelis are trying to make the best of a Seder night like no other, looking on the bright side of an otherwise devastating crisis and finding crumbs of freedom where they can
The global pandemic is testing levels of commitment to one of Judaism's most observed rites -- but with technology and plain moxie, people are determined to continue the tradition
Israelis barred from traveling more than 100 meters from their homes until Thursday morning as part of government measures to prevent fresh virus outbreak over holiday
Idaho resort town has recorded a higher number of COVID-19 cases per capita than New York City, with several members of local congregation among the infected
As Israel airlifts its stranded backpackers, here's the story of one traveler who spent 3 years abroad -- and then got stuck behind Bolivia's closed borders as the virus spread
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