Move likely to anger Israel, which withdrew from UNESCO in 2019 over previous steps that Jerusalem said were done to diminish the Jewish connection to the Holy Land

UN body, which Israel quit in 2019, to hold vote at Saudi Arabia conference; Likud MK accuses cultural organization of obscuring site's biblical significance

Otzma Yehudit minister, lawmakers from PM's Likud among hundreds of visitors to compound; Likud's Bitan says Netanyahu could've told them not to go: 'People have become extremists'

After ambassador calls to 'pump brakes' on judicial shakeup, Simcha Rothman suggests he doesn't know what he's talking about; Likud minister tells Nides to 'mind your own business'

Tech Israel editor Ricky Ben-David talks Artemis I and an Adam Neumann startup, and Knesset correspondent Carrie Keller-Lynn discusses the Iran nuke deal and a Knesset hopeful

The former Jerusalem City Councilmember, slotted in 33rd place, backs a not-so-strange brew of judicial reform, West Bank annexation, and free market conservativism