'Les Magnifiques' depicts lives of quintet of North African Jews who fled their countries in the '50s and '60s before finding huge success in the French entertainment industry

The story behind Cohen's classic ballad, which stretches from the singer-songwriter's beginnings to his death in 2016, is told in a new documentary film

Mifal HaPayis says it will also examine legal options to rescind grant to documentary about Israeli lawyer who has defended Palestinian terror suspects

In 'Back to the Fatherland,' descendants of a Holocaust survivor and an avowed Nazi team up to examine the trend of young people returning to countries that perpetrated the Shoah

130 documentaries to be screened at the event, including two competitions of top Israeli offerings

Film includes interviews with 40 experts who chart the strange discovery and continued scholarship of the mass of rare random documents that make for a rich 'medieval Facebook'

With documentary 'Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles' premiering Wednesday, filmmaker Max Lewkowicz investigates why Tevye, Golde, and Anatevka captured hearts the world over

New film 'Sardari's Enigma' portrays how Abdol Hossein Sardari issued passports with an archaic -- and false -- Persian-Aryan ethnicity. So why isn't he honored by Israel?
