Following reveal of shouting match between ex-president, GOP's McCarthy on day of Capitol attack, Senate extends trial to look at evidence; earlier McConnell said he'd acquit
The former UN ambassador's latest comments against the former president are a risky move, but she has shown a canny ability to read the political pulse
The former envoy to the UN, once a close ally of the president, has had enough, Politico reports: 'We shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him'
Trump to House Minority leader: 'Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are'; 'Who the f**k do you think you're talking to?' responds McCarthy
Security officials were unaware that rioters came close to 'nuclear football' until footage of US vice president broadcast by Democratic impeachment managers
Pushing for conviction in impeachment trial, House prosecutors highlight how Capitol invaders followed Trump's orders, warn ex-president would stoke fresh violence if given chance
Jewish former state treasurer adopts slogan that has sparked concern for its links to anti-Semitism; says Trump's 2nd impeachment trial makes his 'blood boil'
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