Secretary of state's office confirms probe, but says decision on moving ahead up to attorney general; complaint accuses Trump of 'conspiracy to commit election fraud'

In brief filed with Senate, legal team representing former US president says Democrats are exploiting trauma of Capitol storming for political gain

The ex-envoy maintains the last 4 years were an unequivocal success, thanks to the White House's 'inexperienced' crew, which smashed precedent and forged a new path

Ex-lawyer for former US president says he's sorry for 'the needless pain' he caused one-time porn star

Both Democrats and Republicans push to reach swift resolution to proceedings, month after deadly Capitol riot

Co-founder of the Time's Up movement says she faces anti-Semitic abuse online for her involvement in high-profile cases against the former US president and white nationalists

Why try the former President when he is out of office? What will his lawyers argue? What would acquittal mean? How long will the trial last?

Facing $2.7 billion defamation lawsuit over false voter fraud claims, right-wing network drops Lou Dobbs; ex-president 'watching closely for his next move'

London says countries hold 'shared concerns' over Tehran; Biden convenes NSC; top diplomats also discuss China, Russia, Myanmar, climate change, pandemic

Several people involved in campaign finance violations case say US attorney’s office unlikely to reopen the matter, despite Trump losing presidency's protections
