Gilad Erdan says Oslo Accords grant right to demolish buildings near West Bank security barrier, after Europeans criticize Israeli action in areas under Palestinian control

PLO says it will hold an emergency meeting; lawyer representing homeowners accuses Jewish state of double standard regarding construction adjacent to fence in Jerusalem area

Troops said to arrive in Sur Baher neighborhood to raze structures, evict Palestinian residents after court green-lights move; no immediate confirmation from army

30-day warning period ends Thursday for 10 buildings in Palestinian-controlled part of Sur Baher neighborhood that Israel says are too close to security barrier

PA official tells European diplomats 'serious action' is needed to stop unprecedented court order to raze 70 apartments in area under PA control

Police reportedly fire tear gas at demonstrators who oppose plan to remove buildings in Sur Baher deemed too close to security barrier

Netanyahu says he asked that plaque commemorating Mohammed Obeid, who was shot dead by officers during clashes in Issawiya, be taken down

Palestinian family evicted from home in Silwan after court rules Elad foundation legally purchased the property

Palestinians throw rocks, firecrackers at security forces, following burial of Mohammed Obeid in Issawiya, police say

Top Palestinian official says purported ancient Jewish pilgrimage road in East Jerusalem is 'a settlement project' that is 'based on a lie that has nothing to do with history'
