Private daycares, kindergartens and grades 1-3 to resume operations on Sunday; grades 4-12 to return to school a day or two later

Educational authorities have a moral obligation to find solutions for families with limited or no access to computers, internet and tech skills

Instructors to sign agreement guaranteeing full pay for online teaching through the end of Passover after weeklong deadlock stopped lessons, sparking parent outcry

Israel has seen a 25% rise in internet use over the past 2 weeks as citizens log in for online schooling, business videoconferences, Pilates lessons

Yohanan and Shifra Lowen say when they left high school they could barely add or subtract, could not read and write in English or French, and were unprepared to find work

Charter schools such as Harlem Hebrew throw students of all backgrounds into the language. The challenge, teachers say, is to keep them studying for life

Women make up 60% of Israel's college students; country lagging behind other OECD states in enrollment, Central Bureau of Statistics finds

Prosecutors had called for jail time for 38-year-old, who admitted to charges; victims mother says he 'destroyed our lives'

Hershorin Schiff Community Day School in Sarasota has tripled enrollment since 2015, offering classes on values, culture, and practice while also embracing multiculturalism

Ethnic studies program from department of education lashed by state lawmakers, who say it 'denigrates Jews' and 'omits anti-Semitism'
