Workers, who are mostly on unpaid leave, say company's owners and management are forcing them to shoulder the burden after virus decimates international travel

As Israel scrambles to purchase the reagents necessary for the chemical analyses, government makes deal with South Korea to supply some, but still far less than what is needed

Airline says state support 'essential' for it to weather coronavirus storm; Netanyahu now needs to decide on firm's bailout

Flight, which according to some reports was longest in Israeli aviation history, carried some 280 passengers; crew of 19 included 8 pilots

Travel advisory cites severely limited, frequently changing flights options; urges against boarding planes to Israel as visitors may not get in

When a Brooklyn yeshiva closed, 100+ Israeli students flew home on El Al. Dozens have now tested positive, and other passengers, fearful, want to know why they were put at risk

Company says it will continue to work with foreign and defense ministries to repatriate Israelis stranded abroad

Group sent to Jerusalem hotel after arrival on on El Al flight last week amid fears many had already been exposed to virus; 200 passengers were on plane

Boarding of El Al flight last week was temporarily halted due to concerns that members of Hasidic group had already been exposed to virus; some 200 were on plane

Katz says ministry will map concentrations of Israelis, run war room to monitor efforts and requests for aid 24/7, arrange special flights for those in need
